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Other Fabrics
page 23 of 58, 1154 results
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Product idPriceStockWeightoff on
Pink Crochet Lace - Four Petals - 45mm width - 1 meter length
Product id: 51703
Price: $3.00 to $5.90
Stock: 10
Weight: 80g
Pink Crochet Lace - Lines and Orbs - 45mm width - 1 meter length
Product id: 51704
Price: $2.50 to $5.90
Stock: 10
Weight: 80g
Pink Crochet Lace - Loose Trim - 12mm width - 1 meter length
Product id: 51702
Price: $2.50 to $5.90
Stock: 6
Weight: 80g
Plain Light Summer Thai Aum 100 Cotton Fabric - Tan Brown - 40" x 1 Yards
Product id: 65735
Price: $5.55 to $9.90
Stock: 20
Weight: 300g
Plain Light Summer Thai Aum100 Cotton Fabric - Cobalt Blue - 40" x 1 yard
Product id: 80295
Price: $6.94 to $9.90
Stock: 143
Weight: 300g
Plain Light Summer Thai Aum100 Cotton Fabric - Kelly Green - 40 inch x 1 yard
Product id: 98473
Price: $6.95 to $9.90
Stock: 10
Weight: 300g
Plain Light Summer Thai Aum100 Cotton Fabric - Light Orange - 40 inch x 1 yard
Product id: 49313
Price: $3.50 to $4.90
Stock: 5
Weight: 350g
Plain Light Summer Thai Aum100 Cotton Fabric - Mid Red - 40 inch x 1 yard
Product id: 45897
Price: $2.50 to $4.90
Stock: 5
Weight: 350g
Plain Light Summer Thai Aum100 Cotton Fabric - Natural Cream - 40 inch x 1 yard
Product id: 45899
Price: $2.50 to $4.90
Stock: 125
Weight: 350g
Plain Light Summer Thai Aum100 Cotton Fabric - Scarlet Red - 40 inch x 1 yard
Product id: 54487
Price: $4.20 to $9.90
Stock: 10
Weight: 300g
Plain Light Summer Thai Aum100 Cotton Fabric - Sea Blue Green - 40 inch x 1 yard
Product id: 49311
Price: $3.50 to $4.90
Stock: 10
Weight: 350g
Plain Light Summer Thai Aum100 Cotton Fabric - Teal Green - 40" x 1 yard
Product id: 60035
Price: $6.00 to $9.90
Stock: 80
Weight: 300g
Plain Muang Chiang Mai Cotton Fabric Burgundy Red Pink #900020 - 40 inch x 1 yd
Product id: 51857
Price: $4.00 to $7.50
Stock: 30
Weight: 260g
Plain Muang Fabric Cotton Patch - Black - 3yd x 44"
Product id: 97370
Price: $12.60 to $15.90
Stock: 70
Weight: 900g
Plain Thai Muang Chiang Mai Cotton - Bitter lemon Green - 42 inch x 1 yard
Product id: 55517
Price: $5.25 to $7.50
Stock: 101
Weight: 300g
Plain Thai Muang Chiang Mai Cotton - Charcoal Gray - 40 x 36 inch
Product id: 67073
Price: $5.55 to $9.90
Stock: 167
Weight: 300g
Plain Thai Muang Chiang Mai Cotton - Dark Cool Gray - 40 x 36 inch
Product id: 55683
Price: $5.90 to $9.90
Stock: 5
Weight: 300g
Plain Thai Muang Chiang Mai Cotton - Dark Green- 40 x 36 inch
Product id: 56250
Price: $6.00 to $9.90
Stock: 1654
Weight: 300g
Plain Thai Muang Chiang Mai Cotton - Field drab Green - 42 inch x 3 yard
Product id: 74870
Price: $7.74 to $9.90
Stock: 1
Weight: 600g
Plain Thai Muang Chiang Mai Cotton - HunterGreen - 40 x 36 inch
Product id: 55685
Price: $5.00 to $9.90
Stock: 378
Weight: 300g
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